

Diseases affecting the supporting tissues and gingivas around your teeth are called periodontal diseases.
Gingival diseases are usually insidious diseases.

Bleeding from the gingivas is the most important symptom of these diseases. For this reason, gingival bleeds should be considered and a specialist dentist should be consulted as sson as possible.


How periodontal disease is diagnosed clinically?

Radiographs taken in routine dental controls can be used to diagnose after post oral examinations.
The most important criterion is a measurement with hand tool placed between the gingiva and the tooth by the dentist.


* Bleeding when touched, red and swollen gingivas,
* To begin of separation the teeth from other teeth,
* Continuous bad halitosis,
* Inflammations coming from between teeth and gingiva,
* Tooth swinging and separation of them from each other,
* Change in closing of teeth in case of bite,
* Change of closure of movable prostheses in the mouth etc.

Today, various surgical and ultrasonic instruments are used for the treatment of gingival diseases and with the help of these new instruments, very successful and painless treatments can be done.

What is the gingival aesthetic and in what situations they are applied?

Gingiva level of each tooth has a standard place and shape. If this standard deteriorates, the aesthetic of the mouth may deteriorate.

Gingiva (gummysmile) that looks too much when you are laughing or talking can affect the whole appearance.
These problems are usually solved by new technologies, single session, without bleeding and seamless.

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For your mouth and dental health problems, you can make an appointment with our specialist physicians by contacting us at the contact information below.

+90212 669 96 07

+90538 811 80 91

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